JMatt: Milwaukee’s Must Try Hidden Gems

JMatt,  a local content creator shining a spotlight on all things Milwaukee. With over 16,000 followers on Instagram and a whopping 180,000 followers on TikTok, he’s become an unofficial icon of the city.

JMatt: Milwaukee’s Must Try Hidden Gems

JMatt,  a local content creator shining a spotlight on all things Milwaukee. With over 16,000 followers on Instagram and a whopping 180,000 followers on TikTok, he’s become an unofficial icon of the city.

JMatt,  a local content creator shining a spotlight on all things Milwaukee. With over 16,000 followers on Instagram and a whopping 180,000 followers on TikTok, he’s become an unofficial icon of the city. He’s partnered with big brands including Red Bull, Culvers, and Subway, but primarily focuses his attention on the small businesses that truly put Milwaukee on the map.

We talked with JMatt, a former radio personality, to talk about his journey from being on-air to on-screen and how being laid off led him to content creation. From the first videos he posted solving puzzles, to the pirate ship video that changed everything, it’s been a continuous learning process that JMatt has fully embraced.

Fast forward to today and he’s now a self-employed creator that doubles as a social media coach for small businesses and nonprofits in Milwaukee.

With over 4 years of local lifestyle content under his belt, he has amassed a huge list of Milwaukee area bars, restaurants, and businesses he has worked with… which means he is a bottomless pit of recommendations on the best spots Milwaukee has to offer. 

We didn’t just want him to rattle off the most popular spots in Milwaukee, though. We wanted to get his insights on the best hidden gems this city has flying under its radar – mostly of the food and drink sort.

From lowkey to high end first date restaurants (Santinos), waterfront patios (Barnacle Buds), and tucked-away taprooms (Edith) to quaint brunch spots (Cafe at the Plaza) and mini donut shops (Happy Dough Lucky), we cover 13 hidden gems in Milwaukee worthy of a little extra love. 


JMatt: I was hoping for like 10, 000 views in 24 hours. I got a million views. And then within a week I had 50, 000 followers and I had 5. 3 million views on that video.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone. Welcome back to Milwaukee Uncut produced in the heart of Walker’s Point by Storymark Studios in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law, the Midwest law firm and Central Standard Distillery.

Today, our guest is JMatt, a very recognizable Milwaukee, and you may know him from his TV show. TikToks or Instagram reels about the city, but you may not know much about his backstory. Jay Matt shares his Milwaukee content to nearly 200, 000 followers across Instagram and TikTok. He’s had brand deals with companies like Red Bull, Culver’s, and many more.

He’s also the founder of hashtag Milwaukee and a social media coach. In this episode, we’ll learn how JMatt broke through and started creating content for the city of Milwaukee and really grew his followings and J Matt will give you a lot of hidden gem spots that you should check out around the city from restaurants to drink spots, to date night spots, to other activities.

A lot of which I had never heard of. And I feel like as someone who produces a Milwaukee based podcast and has been here for over a decade, I know the city pretty well, but JMatt gives us a lot of good spots. So it’s, it’s a good one. Thanks again for tuning in. Let’s dive in with JMatt

JMatt: In my mid twenties, there was an opportunity to move to Milwaukee formally, and I got an apartment on the East side, lived there for six to seven years, and then, , eventually bought a condo in Riverwest.

So I think now it’s very easy to say through and through I’m very Milwaukee. This is my home. This is my chosen home, really, even though I grew up just outside of the city.

Richie Burke: What brought you here? So there was an opportunity to move here.

JMatt: Yeah, I lived in Madison for a bit, working in radio and there was a nonprofit looking for a social media specialist and it was right around the lines of what I was looking to do.

I wanted a role that was more centered around social media and content, as opposed to a fraction of the position. And it just made sense. I interviewed for it, got the job, came out here and, did that for a few years before I got offered a dream job with Kiss FM.

Richie Burke: Tell us about that experience.

JMatt: Yeah. So Kiss FM, I was working part time and the weekends driving from Madison to Milwaukee to be a part of the top 40 radio station, filling in overnights and early morning when Ryan Seacrest would be coming on for the 80 40 American top 40. Yeah, that’s what it is. I’d spent a while since I’ve been a part of that show, but, , it was very involved.

With going back and forth and part of it was, you know, it’d be a lot nicer if I just lived in Milwaukee and didn’t have to have the commute back and forth every weekend just to be on the air. So it allowed me to, , that non profit allowed me to be closer so that I could continue to do it as a part time job.

But I think that dedication that I showed the, , operating manager and others, , for so long opened up an opportunity down the road. They created a position for me, Digital Digital Program Manager. It’s a weird phrase because in radio, Program Manager is the thing. So they needed to have basically the same concept, but for the digital, organic content.

So they hired me for that and then I was also, full time on the air Monday through Friday after the Riggs and Allie show. So it was like the station I grew up listening to, Top 40, so that had a special, , sentiment to it and then I was going on after Allie, who doesn’t love hearing this, but I grew up listening to Allie and she was still on the station when I got on.

So it was kind of like a surreal moment of like, I grew up listening to some of these voices and now I’m part of these voices that maybe down the road kids will grow up and be like, Oh, I heard JMatt on Kiss FM back in the day.

Richie Burke: And then the pandemic hit.

JMatt: Yeah.

Richie Burke: And you got let go from KISS, I believe.

JMatt: Yeah, I was the first of about a third of the radio station.

They own, the company owned three stations. So I was let go. And then morning show producers were let go. Other people were let go. I think an afternoon guy was let go. There were people in behind the scene roles of like promotions and events, which made sense to let go. So yeah, it was a hard hit at the time.

Yeah. Not only was it like losing a job, but it was like a job that I really didn’t foresee myself ever like leaving on my own.

Richie Burke: We taught you just mentioned maybe kids saying, Oh, I listened to JMatt growing up. It seems like that was a long term plan for you. Yeah, you’ve bounced back nicely though.

Was that a kind of a blessing looking back, even though it must’ve been completely crushing in the moment.

JMatt: It’s, it is interesting because the very first, Weekend, after I got let go from Kiss FM, I remember seeing like, early voting was a big thing, I don’t even know if it was early voting necessarily, but it was just voting in general, and they had to adjust for COVID.

So people were like in their cars waiting to vote, and the line was around the block. And I remember thinking, oh, I should talk about this on the air on Monday. And then it dawned on me, I was like, I don’t have anywhere to talk about this. So, I wish I could say in that moment I knew that I should flip this opportunity into social media content.

It wasn’t super obvious to me in the moment. I think I was just kind of still in shock of everything. , I think it took a good three to four months until I got into a rhythm where. Local content was the answer in short form video content form.

Richie Burke: So this overlaps a little bit. You’re big on TikTok. How did you get into it?

I’m guessing that was during your time at KISS or maybe even before then. Can you talk about where you started there, how you ended up doing the short form Milwaukee content, and how it really took off for you?

JMatt: What a lot of people don’t know is when I started TikTok, it, , was definitely not Milwaukee content.

Because, like, people will find you and just asse you always did it. I started figuring out TikTok because, yes, I worked at the radio station, and that’s where our Gen Z target audience was. So I had to figure out what TikTok was. How do you actually use it? How do you make good content on it? And figuring all that out, like, how do I get their attention?

So I saw content that was being made by others, , who were not as confident, whereas I was on the air, on social media, my face was on social media all the time, so I was already used to it. Possible content. Was the thing because you had a lot of Gen Zers Who would probably have been in middle school at the time or high school?

And there was like, oh, here’s a a brain teaser. How do you figure it out? but all they were showing was the the person’s hand and Speaking off camera and I was like, well, what if I? was on camera. What if I spoke on camera? And at the time you could only do 15 second videos. So I was like, how do I use my face?

How do I show the puzzle and write in reverse and backwards and upside down all these sorts of things. I figured out all of it. And through puzzle content, I got 20, 000 followers. So I figured it out. I cracked the code, but for me, it got annoying because I didn’t really care about the notifications and the content.

I was mostly just trying to. figure out how the platform worked. And so I started trying to shift it as it was, , which is pretty hard to go from puzzle content to what I now do. And didn’t know it at the time, , city of Milwaukee content. It take, it took me a good year mixture of before pandemic and post pandemic, or I guess during pandemic to figure out, The niche of city of milwaukee content

Richie Burke: was your first city in milwaukee video where it struck a chord with you

JMatt: so I wish I also could say that first video was super obvious when it hit it was a very lucky situation where I was Unemployed and had supportive community around me of friends and one had a boat and we went on the milwaukee river I knew of the pirate barge Is

Richie Burke: this Ian Abston?

JMatt: It is Ian.

Richie Burke: We love giving Ian shoutouts on this show. What a great Milwaukee citizen he is.

JMatt: He is great. He, , I knew of the Pirate Barge and he introduced me as the TikToker, which was much better than the unemployed guy, , during the pandemic. So I appreciated being introduced as that. And at the time, like 20, 25, 000 followers, it was a decent deal, but it wasn’t city of Milwaukee content.

And I remember him saying, Oh, where do we want to go? I was like, well, what about the pirate barge? I knew at the time that it was up for sale. And it was going to be sold in like a week, so theoretically, last opportunity to go. Water levels were pretty high. We had to go under the bridge and somebody, I think it might’ve been Ian, might’ve been someone else on the boat said, Oh, this would make a great TikTok.

And I was like, you’re right. And I handed my phone off to somebody sitting in the back. And so we had a perfect shot of me and this other guy helping guide the boat underneath the bridge, which was alone worthy of views. And then I used, , phrasing that, , Was unusual, theoretically. I said centimeters instead of inches.

And so you had a bunch of the people like, this is America. We use inches here, not centimeters. I was like, heard trying to exaggerate the, like the minuscule amount of clearance that we had. And then of course we show the pirate barge and people are like, Oh, this is really cool. Off camera. I had, of course gone on and explored it.

So in the video, I was saying, Oh, if you blow this video up, We’ll go on the Pirate Barge and show you what it looks like. I already shot the content, who cares? So, I was hoping for like 10, 000 views. In 24 hours I got a million views. And then within a week I had 50, 000 followers. And I had 5. 3 million views on that video.

Richie Burke: What was that like? Were you just hitting refresh and it just didn’t slow down?

JMatt: I think I posted it and then like, it was so early, I hadn’t had a video You just wake up and you’re like, holy shit. Well, with the puzzle content, I was getting some videos with a million views. So I was already used to that, , but this was Truly something different that I didn’t really anticipate how it could function and get viewed So I didn’t really pay attention to it till the next day and thought I was gonna see 10, 000 views and it was a million I was like, how did this happen?

And this is where I say I wish I knew that it was cuz of milwaukee Because I was like, ah, I guess I could play on like the history of the pirate barge and then I could play on Roaring Dan and I was not the direction I needed to go But it wasn’t obvious to me, like looking back, it’s obvious.

Richie Burke: Were you just throwing out pirate videos after that?

JMatt: Dude, it was rough. I was like, I don’t know how I’m going to keep this going. And then I remembered Milwaukee is not a pirate hotbed. I know! But I didn’t think it was because of Milwaukee. I thought it was because of the uniqueness of the situation. And I was like, how do I continue this? And then I noticed some people in the comments kind of saying, I used to live in Milwaukee, I had no idea this was a thing, or I used to party on the pirate barge back in the day.

So then I could start seeing the community that was forming in the comments. And able to test, , to see if it was Milwaukee. And I, I think the first video I did was five beer gardens in the city of Milwaukee. And that blew up and I was like, all right Well, what about five free attractions in the city of milwaukee that blew up?

I was like, ah, it’s local content

Richie Burke: Got it, and that was in 2020.

JMatt: Yeah,

Richie Burke: and then You were at an agency a little bit you went off on your own. How’s how’s that going? What are you up to right now?

JMatt: , yeah, i’m formally self employed as of mid november of 2023 So it’s been nearly five six months of self employment and it’s been great I’ve got monthly retainer clients that I help with social media coaching and help like improve their presence.

And it’s great for like thought leaders or entertainers that just want to be doing better on social media. And I work with some nonprofits to help them do better on social media. My whole goal is to work with you for like six months and then give you those tools that you need so that you can continue on your own.

I don’t want to necessarily have to do this with you all the time. I want to give you the skillset that you don’t have. Cause like, where do you get the skillset kind of figured out a good skillset with social media for 15 years. So I can offload that in a way that’s easy to conse and replicate and you can continue to create your content and your presence on your own.

Richie Burke: Love it um, You’ve gotten a lot of brand deals. When did, when did those start? So bridging between, okay, do the pirate barge video. You’re doing some beer gardens, mother Milwaukee content. This is in 2020. When did you get, do you remember what your first brand deal was and what, what that was like to have a brand actually reach out to you and want to pay you to do?

JMatt: The first one was unfortunately a restaurant that is no longer in business, but it was near the airport and they just kind of reached out and said, Oh, we would love to be featured on your page. So it was the first time to explore it, but the first like, major brand, , was probably like the second or third thing after that, which was Red Bull.

They reached out to me and they’re like, we’re doing this thing called Flugtag, where we’re gonna throw these flying contraptions off of a platform that’s 30 to 40 feet up in the air into Lake Michigan. We want you to be a part of this event. And I was like, Yes, please. I am very intrigued by this. So that was still a, I think back and I’m like, wow, that really got the ball rolling on what has become, , a really fun self employment opportunity.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone. It’s your host, Richie Burke. Thank you for tuning in to Milwaukee Uncut. Please take a second to subscribe if you have not already, and maybe even write a review that helps support the show. And we’ve got a lot of great Milwaukee episodes coming up. Also, just wanted to give a thank you to our sponsors, our friends at Nicolet Law, the Midwest’s law firm, and Central Standard Distillery.

Also, if you have not checked out Central Standard’s craft house right outside the Third Ward, make sure to do so. Great food, drinks, really nice rooftop when the weather’s nice. Which I’m sure, I’m sure it’ll get nice out soon. It kind of has to. So make sure to check out the craft house. All right. Back to today’s episode with J Matt.

Let’s get into some Milwaukee related questions. You are a Milwaukee expert. A lot of listeners want to know where to go, where the cool spots are, maybe where some hidden gems are. So. We’ll, we’ll rattle off some spots or I’ll ask you some questions. These don’t necessarily have to be the, the best spots in the city, but whatever comes to mind or places that J Matt enjoys, or maybe people can find you hanging out at first one, hidden, hidden gem food spot or spots.

JMatt: So I’ve been doing spicy food lately. I did a series, I think I’m on seven, the seventh video where I go into the restaurant and I say, give me the spiciest thing on the menu. And then I get those looks of like. Are you sure white boy and I was like Yes I really would and I have to tell them literally that I want them to make me cry And that seems to be the magic phrase that they’re like, all right sold.

We’ll just we’ll make you cry. , and one of the places that It hit me hard was this place called fa 414 And the reason why I love that this is a hidden gem is the fact that it’s in Mungtown, , on the north ish, north ish, northwest ish side of town, Appleton in Hampton? Don’t quote me. But I know it’s off of Appleton.

So, that is essentially like a little food court within a grocery store or a market. And they have literally fire in the form of heat that they can give you for food. And they got mild, totally. The , guy that gave me the, the hottest option felt real bad because he could tell I was struggling. Which, , He nailed it.

He got exactly what I asked for.

Richie Burke: Got good views too, didn’t it?

JMatt: It did pretty well. , but he felt so bad. He’s like, Here’s a, here’s a nber one. I want you to take that home. And I was like, I didn’t ask for that, but I will certainly eat it. , thank you. And I could tell the difference between the one and what I got was definitely way different.

Richie Burke: So for people who don’t want to cry, You can still enjoy good spot. It’s

JMatt: still a spot to enjoy.

Richie Burke: What about cocktail spots? Where are you going?

JMatt: So another video that I made recently, , was of a hidden gem cocktail spot and it’s called Edith. And if you don’t know it exists, it’s very easy to pass right by because they’re not, they don’t have like a signage that’s very showy.

They’ve got Edith on the door and they’ve got a sandwich sign out on the sidewalk. And if you’re not walking by or not really looking for it, it’s easy to not notice. It’s, , maybe two blocks away from third street market hall. And. It is a craft cocktail bar. Typically they say their clientele, at least when I went there several months ago, was people that were coming for a show, looking for a place to drink before the show, and then they would go.

So I got there at like 10 30 and it was empty. That’s because their clientele was going. Before shows and at the time that I went they were still relatively new and people hadn’t heard of it yet I think on Friday nights, they do jazz night. So they’re certainly increasing in the popularity and that video did pretty well So I hope that they’re doing pretty well, too.

Richie Burke: Any favorite date spot?

JMatt: So if you want to be bougie and show off There’s a date spot that I discovered recently and it is like one of those like cocktails are like 25 and it’s a little expensive. So you just have to know that going in.

Richie Burke: We’ll do a bougie one and a non bougie one. Okay, cool. How does that sound?

JMatt: Solomon’s at the Trade Hotel.

Richie Burke: They have three

JMatt: bars at the Trade Hotel. That’s next to Pfizer For. Yeah, and they have Il Cervo on the roof. They’ve got , I forget the first floor bar. Is it craft or something? It’s some

Richie Burke: basic like that. , we’ll think of it right when we get off. That’s a good spot though.

JMatt: That one works too and I think that one everyone knows of because as you’re walking by you see it and then when you’re like, oh I heard they got a rooftop bar so you know that one. Solomon’s is on the second floor. It’s easy to miss and if you’re not like going to find this third bar. I literally want to find it.

I go around, , the stairs, go up and I see where it is, but like, still don’t see the bar until you come around the corner and you see Solomon’s and you’re like, well, this is really tucked away and a pretty cool spot. Especially like they have the lights dim in there when you’re going up a little bit later.

It’s a nice little spot. They got a little fireplace in there. So if you’re trying to be bougie and show off. Solomon’s at the trade. Is

Richie Burke: it just up the stairs from the first? Or? You can take the elevator. I have been up there before. Is there food there too? Or is it just drinks? Don’t remember seeing food.

Good drink spot for sure.

JMatt: But El Chevro upstairs has food and that I would debatably say is another date spot worth checking out. But one that would be not bougie necessarily would be, , Santino’s Little Italy. That’s a great spot. It’s good if you want to get pizza, that’s an easy date option. , it’s kind of like a throwback in the vibe that they have.

You can get a cute little two person table tucked away, dim lighting. You can still get that vibe. And I think they have some outdoor seating. If it’s the weather’s nice, you’ve got some options there. And then if you, , Or with somebody that doesn’t know that area very well. , after, if like the date’s going well and you need a second location, you take them to Barnacle Buds.

And I know it’s the fish stock or whatever, but like, they have good cocktails. This is the non

Richie Burke: bougie date. This is the non bougie date. That’s a cool spot.

JMatt: And it’s a cool spot, it’s got the outdoor patio You don’t really know of and you don’t find barnacle buds unless you know that it’s there. You don’t accidentally come upon it

Richie Burke: Another cool non santino’s if you want to be even more non bougie and bring your dog along enlightened brewing Next door brie and I’ll go there Sometimes when we’re with oakley and pick up a pizza and take it to the brewery and they’ve got some good beer over there That works too.

What about brunch your brunch guys? See your brunch videos any anywhere stand out or anywhere people need need to try may not be aware of

JMatt: Here’s, here’s a good one in the sense of hidden gems. It’s not that it’s truly a hidden place It’s just I think it hides in plain sight. Cafe at the Plaza.

Richie Burke: That’s a good one.

And you’re right That doesn’t really make any lists. You get there, you’re just like, what is this? a classic brunch spot. You

JMatt: can have the nice classic diner feel if you just want to go up to the counter and not wait for a table You can get a table or if it’s a nice day out you can sit in the courtyard which they have And so you can sit outside and you obviously can’t see a courtyard from the street.

It just looks like an apartment complex when you walk by it. And then you go in and you’re like, well, you just got a restaurant in here. Perfect for breakfast or brunch.

Richie Burke: You just brought up courtyard. What about patio? Any, any patios that, well,

JMatt: I’ve got to plug my friend JC over at Pufferfish. Who’s got a tiki bar and a patio on the rooftop of Hotel Metro.

So if you’re looking for a different sort of vibe, that’s not necessarily the Kempton journeyman outsider, which I know is a very popular rooftop, , more centralized in downtown Milwaukee. Pufferfish is a good one. , Bridgewater is another good one where it’s a newer restaurant. I think it’s like a year or two old.

It’s good restaurant It’s good restaurant really good drinks.

Richie Burke: That’s a good date spot too.

JMatt: Good date spot. I say I would say that’s in between bougie and Affordable.

Richie Burke: Yeah, if you want that upper mid tier. Yeah.

JMatt: Yeah nice casual. It’s nice weather out they have a very I think their claim is the longest waterfront patio in the city?

Something like that. It’s pretty long. , I would have to take a tape measure. That’s a Marcus Group

Richie Burke: restaurant.

JMatt: Yeah. So that’s a decent one to go to for sure.

Richie Burke: Gotta give a shout out to our friends at Central Standard too.

JMatt: The Aviary. Yep. The rooftop bar there as well. That’s a nice nice smer


Spot for sure.

Richie Burke: What about some maybe under the radar small businesses?

JMatt: So, I think the place is called Happy Dough Lucky in Bayview. It is a mini donuts spot.

Richie Burke: I saw your video, those look delicious.

JMatt: Yeah, somebody said, oh, I hope you didn’t eat every single one. I was like, if you see me take a bite, I’m not spitting it out.

I ate one of every single option you saw. I didn’t eat the rest of them. How many were there? At least a dozen, maybe 13, 14. I don’t know. I can’t recall. They were just bite sized. Okay.

Richie Burke: That’s not too bad. That’s not bad at

JMatt: all. But they all had like interesting garnishes. Garnish, fun word to use on a mini donut, but I don’t have a better word for it.

, there was like a mud cup or there was a gmy worm on one. There was, , I think there was a puppy chow one. Then there was like a, a blueberry one, a nerds one. They’re just, So many different versions. I even asked them, I was like, can you make a spicy mini donut? And they can, but they just didn’t have it available at that time, which I would go back for a spicy mini donut just to see what that’s like.

And they have your classic, the powdered sugar, the, , cinnamon sugar and the mix. But what’s interesting about this location beyond food is it’s also an arcade. So they have a lot of pinball machines. They have a lot of, a lot of old school, , So, while you’re waiting for your donuts to come out, you can play some video games.

It gives you, , a modified version of UpDown, because if you’ve gone in there, they’ve got the pin machines and it’s two floors of gaming. It’s Not nearly as many games, but it’s enough that you would have variety and you wouldn’t get bored in the time that it takes for you to get your

Richie Burke: kind of like a newer landmark on the lanes, arcade type.

That was a little

JMatt: smaller. Yeah. It doesn’t have like, , Dave and Buster’s style games of like the flashy and tokens, but it has, it’s right. It’s right. It’s right in

Richie Burke: Bayview.

JMatt: It’s in Bayview. Yep.

Richie Burke: Nice. What about favorite activity? Just Milwaukee activities in general. Yeah.

JMatt: RSVR if

Richie Burke: you’ve heard of that never heard of it enlighten me.

JMatt: Ooh, this place is in , it’s virtual reality, so they have, I think, four stations, maybe less, but it’s, you can rent out a station for your group, and you get it for like an hour or so, and you get a VR headset, and you play the game, and you switch off with the people on your team, or in your group. , they can do adult parties, where, you know, there’s some, , beverages that you can enjoy.

And it’s kid friendly, too. So, not having the adult beverages. But, , I think they also have a back patio area, too. They’ve expanded a bit. So that’s a fun spot. And then, another one, also in Bayview. I don’t know what’s going on in Bayview, but they got a lot of activities. , Bustin Stuff.

Richie Burke: What’s that?

JMatt: You’ve not heard of Bustin Stuff. Bustin Stuff is like I have you on the podcast, Shane. That’s alright. That’s alright. I was just like, man. Tell me and everyone else in the city what’s going on. I thought I was, I thought I was gonna give something and you’re like, oh, I know that. That’s a fun spot. As someone who

Richie Burke: hosts a Milwaukee podcast, I probably should know some of the things you’re rattling off.

Which, which I have.

JMatt: Bustin Stuff is like a Rage Room, and they take donations. So if you have computer screens and keyboards and pottery or whatever, that you don’t know where to get rid of them necessarily, you donate it to him, and then he’ll put you in a Rage Room and you can smash it with a baseball bat, or a nine iron, or whatever else you want.

, and they have a separate room, , Where and I haven’t done this experience, but I’m intrigued by it. It’s something paint oriented So like you don’t know how to describe it, but I know you leave with a product through which you’ve made art I guess but it’s very messy. They give you a suit by the way So you’ll be in a suit be safe whether you’re doing the art version or the non art version They give you protective gear, of course so that you can be as safe as possible

Richie Burke: any closing message to the city of Milwaukee

JMatt: I think Milwaukee’s one of those cities that, when you visit Milwaukee, you realize what everyone’s talking about.

You don’t really understand it until you come and visit. So, if you’ve never been to Milwaukee, definitely visit. , and it’s easy to see the community, the culture that is in the city just from a short weekend. And then shortly after, you’re kind of thinking, I kind of want to move here. Where should I move?

And then got to figure that out.

Richie Burke: Great. Loved having you on. Thanks for coming down today. Good seeing you. You too. Hey everyone. Thank you for listening to Milwaukee Uncut. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, write a review, share with your friends. That helps the show. Also, if you want to watch the video version of this interview or any of the clips from this episode. We’ve been getting a lot of traction on Instagram and YouTube recently. So make sure to go check out those platforms. They’re linked in the show notes as well. And just a reminder, Milwaukee Uncut is produced by Story Mark Studios right in the heart of Walkers Point where I’m sitting right now in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law and Central Standard Distillery.